Thursday, January 31, 2008

Rescheduled Surgery Date

Surgery is now scheduled for Monday, February 4th. Dr. Harris would like to allow time for Vicki's fever to go down and remove the chest tubes from her left side. Vicki has been awake several times today and smiled when Holly showed her pictures of her grandchildren and shared get well notes they had written. She always asks for Aaron and he is always right there. Teri (another sister of Vicki's) visited this morning and Vicki asked her, "Can we get out of here? I want to leave!" We had to chuckle a little at that. Vicki and Teri have always been "partners in crime." She is still heavily medicated due to her injuries, but when she communicates with us it brings us so much joy. We are always by her side - she has taken care of others all her life and now it is our turn to take care of her.

Thanks again for your love, prayers, and support!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008


I just wanted to let everyone know how Mom's day went today. As most of you know, she got her trach put in yesterday and everything went well. She has been pretty sedated since then. Hasn't responded much today, but not any worse so we're thankful for that. We are still waiting for surgery. She is scheduled for tomorrow (Thursday) but we're not sure if he will still do it or not. She is still running a fever and her chest tubes are still in, so we are thinking he'll postpone it until possibly Friday. Other than that there isn't much change.

I did want to thank everyone for all the prayers, food, support, and love that you all have shown our family during this time. I know it's going to be a long road, and I am thankful that we are surrounded by such loving people to help get us through it. THANK YOU!!!

Hopefully I'll get a chance to update everyone tomorrow. Until then.....

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Heartfelt Thanks

For those who don't know me, I am Vicki's sister. I want to extend a very heartfelt thanks to Melissa Golden for setting this up so that we can communicate Vicki's status to friends and family in a more efficient manner.

Vicki is stable yet still critical. She does open her eyes several times a day and acknowledges yes or no questions. She is on a lot of pain medication and stays sedated most of the time. Sometimes when she awakens she is very uncomfortable and wants to sit up or move and we have to remind her of her injuries and why she can't move. She is still on the ventilator and a tracheotomy was performed today. Kidney function and lung infections due to the vent continue to be concerns.

On behalf of the family I would like to express our most sincere appreciation for the outpouring of love and support that has been shown during this very difficult time.

Surgery Date Changed

Today Vicki is doing well, she is becoming stable, trying to sit up and more responsive. Due to the fact that she is getting stronger and improving, Dr. Harris has postponed the surgery until Friday. The stronger she is hopefully, the less she will regress after the surgery. They are still concerned about the infection in her lungs and will be keeping a close eye on that as well. We are still bringing in food for the hospital, Stella's house and Holly's house. I still have open slots for Thursday, Friday and Saturday for the hospital (Friday being the most crucial). For Stella's house which includes Teri's family and Betsy's family: I have tomorrow and Saturday available. For Holly's house, Saturday is available and into next week (Holly's will be the only home receiving meals after this week). The dinner drop off time is between 6-7 and just a reminder to keep it to kid-friendly meals since both homes have several children. If you would like to help with the food, please call me, Melissa Golden (I am hesitant to put my number on the Internet but most of you have it or know someone that does). Or you can respond in the comments at the bottom of this posting which will automatically send me an email. In case you don't know who I am, I am a family friend from church and have been trying to help with all the communications for the Norris' and extended family. Thanks to all who have been called upon to help thus far, you have all been so great and I know the family really appreciates everything!

Monday, January 28, 2008

Saying Prayers for Vicki

Vicki was involved in a terrible head-on collision on January 22, 2008. She survived an aortic tear to her heart and had open heart surgery that night. She had other injuries as well such as broken limbs and a crushed hip. We all know and understand it's truly a miracle she is still with us and will be using this site to give the latest updates of her condition and surgery outcomes. Her next surgery is scheduled for Wednesday January 30th. Please pray for her as she has had complications with every procedure done thus far. Thank you!