Sunday, May 10, 2009

Things are moving right along. Looks like our wait to get into Quillen Rehab is going to be longer than what we thought. We're still on the waiting list and hope to get a call sometime in the next couple of months.

Things are going good at HMG Rehab though. Vicki can walk about 85 feet with her walker using only her finger-tips (that way she puts more weight through her legs and not her arms when using the walker) before she has to stop and take a rest. Last Friday was her first day using weight machines at therapy...we're moving up!! :) She uses the leg press, leg extension, and leg curl machines with weight varrying anywhere from 4 - 15 pounds. She can do about 45 pounds on the leg press though! Wooo Hooo! She also rides the stationary bike for about 10 minutes and goes about a mile! Her legs are really jell-o after that! We've also started something called e-stem (electronic stimulation) for her hamstrings. Unfortunately, those muscles just aren't kicking in the way the therapists want them to - largely due to nerve damage. The e-stem stiumlates the muscles as well as the nerves. After an hour of working out she then does e-stem for 30 minutes. It makes her muscles work, but she has to do the exercise along with it or it's quite uncomfortable. I'm so proud of her and the progress she's making! It's still going to be a while before she is wheelchair free, but she's working really heard. I'm kind of like her personal trainer...can't praise her too much...gotta be tough on her!! LOL!

Love to all...we'll continue to keep you posted!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Getting Back on Track

Vicki has progressed wonderfully since her hip replacement! She has been going to physical therapy 3 days a week at Holston Medical Group Outpatient Services here in Kingsport. They work mainly with ortho physical therapy (joint replacements, etc.). Sometime within the next month she will start going back to Quillen Rehab Outpatient Services in Johnson City three days a week. They work more with nerve damage physical therapy which seems to be Vicki's major stumbling block right now. She is continuing to gain strength and accomplish therapy goals, but the nerve damage is slowing things down. Nerve regeneration is a very slow process. Continued stimulation is the key. She stood for 3 1/2 minutes today with her walker and used only one hand to support herself. That's an accomplishment! What happens is her muscles (the ones that are getting nerve stimulation) get overloaded and become weak. She's working more on her ab strength and trying to control her balance.

She will be having minor surgery (Same Day) tomorrow to remove two pins from her right ankle. That should be the last of her surgeries. Yeah!! :) Working on her short-term memory is still an every day exercise. I'm going to try to start updating the blog more regularly because I

We're starting to feel like we're getting back on track from when her hip pain started prior to surgery. It's time to start helping her more at her house - cooking, minor cleaning, etc. - instead of hanging out at mom's. That's going to be an adjustment...everyone loves hanging out at mom's! :)

We continue to be grateful for the love and support of so many friends both near and far. Love to each of you!!


Friday, January 23, 2009

Surgery complete!

Just wanted to let everyone know that Mom's hip replacement was performed today. She went in to surgery around 9:30 this morning and we didn't get to see her until 4:30 this afternoon, so that was tormenting for us!!!! But her physician, Dr. Minter, said everything went well. She was awake and talking when I left. She is having quite a bit of pain in that leg, but hopefully that will ease over the next few days. They said they would be getting her up tomorrow!!! No rest for the weary! So glad it's over with, and hopefully now we can get back on the road to recovery and get her walking again. Love to everyone!!
