Thursday, October 9, 2008

One step at a time...

Hello everyone! I thought you might like a little update about Vicki! :) She continues to make good progress with a walker. In therapy this week she walked 80 feet with the walker before having to rest. Then, she walked another 50 feet! Last week she was able to walk on a treadmill (with assistance) for 5 minutes while resting approximately every two minutes! She even did the leg press for the first time! She did two sets of 10 reps! We're so pleased with her steady progress. She continues to improve with her Occupational Therapy (working with her right hand and arm which was broken in the accident). Her right hand doesn't really limit her daily living activities anymore so they are thinking on possibly releasing her from that therapy in the near future. We'll still have to continue strength and flexibility exercises at home though. They have been so good to her at Quillen Rehab, but due to the logistics of moving her home (from Holly's house) in the not too distance future, we may be looking at moving her physical therapy to a rehab facility in Kingsport. We're still working out all those details though. Vicki is still uneasy with change so we're taking it slow.

Her short-term memory loss is still an issue. It's improving, but it's just going to take time. We laugh with her and cry with her. The important thing is that we're together! Please continue to pray for Vicki and her family. Your prayers are felt and appreciated.

Love to all!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

God Bless YOU're an aggressor...and achiever!!!

God Bless ALL the Family...and Thank God, that He and they have been and will be with you every step!!!!

Thank YOU Vicki, for who YOU are!!!
Granny L.